10 Reasons TO AVOID Using Google Chrome
Google could very well be THE WEB company, with a large number of products that revolve round the technology which has kept us connected for many years. For many people, the gateway compared to that Internet is, actually, another Google product, with Chrome taking on the lion's share of the browser market. It's arguable that Google Chrome may be the most used software application on the planet, given how it's applied to nearly every computing device imaginable. It doesn't immediately mean, however, that it's the ultimate way to go through the Web, and there's also serious reasons why you'll want to stay away from Chrome when you can afford it.
Performance and Stability
Because it is the most used doesn't mean it is the best. There are many factors which have contributed to Chrome's success on the market. And while credit must be given for some features that did help sell the browser to users, it really is far from being probably the most impressive with regards to performance and stability. Actually, some Chrome users may begrudgingly admit they are forced to utilize the browser because of this or that feature, despite having had many heartaches and headaches on the browser's performance.
THE WEB is filled up with anecdotes about Chrome's insatiable hunger for RAM and battery. At the same time when people have are more influenced by laptops with relatively limited hardware resources in addition to on the net for work, study, or entertainment, a voracious browser is probably the very last thing they need. Actually, the final thing they want is for Chrome to crash since it ran out of memory or, worse, some bug from an extension.
To be fair, Google has been attempting to improve Chrome's performance and reduce its footprint, primarily by restricting just how much Javascript works behind the backdrop. At exactly the same time, this may sometimes result in suboptimal user experiences, which Google can be trying to avoid. It can still imply Chrome is really a huge beast automagically, one that must be tamed and placed on an eating plan.
Extensions Security
A long time ago, browsers competed in the amount of third-party add-ons, sometimes referred to as extensions, they supported. The extension system allowed the browser to stay slim, at least compared to the behemoth that has been WEB BROWSER, while leaving the entranceway available to functionality that the browser developers didn't envision as well as intend. That, needless to say, required that the program had hooks that extensions could connect to to implement those features, which sometimes include having the ability to modify what users see on a website as well as touch files on a user's computer.
Unfortunately, extensions also have become a way to obtain problems over time, endangering the stability of the browser along with the security of users. Complicating matters is how Google ran its Chrome ONLINE STORE, which was a lot more open than its Google Play Store for Android. In trade for a far more open ecosystem, there is barely any quality control, and lots of malware-laden extensions could actually slip through the cracks, often masquerading as extensions via reputable developers.
Google has been attempting to plug up that large hole, but its strategy is a two-edged sword. It has restricted what extensions will get access to to be able to mitigate the negative unwanted effects of harmful extensions but additionally removed functionality that some extensions needed. Unfortunately, it is not a done deal either, and you may still find some problematic add-ons that see through Google's scrutiny.
Settings Bloat
Add-ons and extensions were likely to make browsers simpler and lightweight, but things didn't always come out that way in the long run. Not only is it a resource-hungry software application, Chrome can be a complex one, and its own complexity bleeds into its configuration options. Almost like any Google product, Chrome has pages upon pages of settings that the browser itself takes a mini search engine to consider the correct controls.
You can find pros and cons to the "feature," needless to say. On the main one hand, it gives an individual more control over what sort of browser behaves, permitting them to tweak almost every facet of the experience. Alternatively, it really is almost too an easy task to get lost in a sea of options, and it's just as an easy task to bury important privacy or security settings to discourage users from searching for those. There's, indeed, a search option, but that presumes guess what happens to look for to begin with.
Slow Feature Development
Despite being regarded as "heavy," Chrome is ironically slow to really add new features, at the very least compared to something similar to Microsoft Edge as well as Opera. Yes, is really a new Chrome release nearly every month (though Google is currently adjusting that), but that rate only implies that a lot of the changes are bite-sized and concentrate on fixes instead of big new features.
Which means that Chrome doesn't always meet up with the most recent trends or users' wishes, but that could be fine for a lot of. Given the browser's infamy for resource usage, users might definitely prefer that Google concentrate on polish instead of fluff. Extra functionality could possibly be added by extensions, however the way Google pulled the rug from under those could have caused some disgruntled developers to leave from the browser entirely.
Ecosystem Lock-in
Chrome is among the most ubiquitous gateways to the web, where the majority of Google's money-making products can be found. Quite simply, it is virtually the portal into Google's services, which is becoming more and more obvious that Google is shaping it around end up like one. It works another way around aswell, and some of the greatest Chrome features can only just be experienced if you're already using other Google products.
There's been an increasing amount of features before months that integrate other Google products into Chrome. While that may seem logical from the business perspective, in addition, it raises regulatory warning flag with regards to anti-competitive and monopolistic business practices. It naturally runs the chance of favoring Google's other products even though a browser should mostly be indifferent to anything beyond it. Conversely, in addition, it makes it harder to change from those other Google products once you're already knee-deep into them, because of Chrome.
Tracking and Privacy
Google hasn't been someone to be associated positively with privacy, and the business is working hard to improve that image. On the net side of things, it's been heavily advertising its efforts to rid the planet of harmful third-party tracking cookies, a laudable effort alone. Other browser makers also have joined in on that thrust, however, not all of them trust Google's recent proposals on how best to do it.
The business may be seen largely as a Search or Online business, but the majority of Google's profits really result from its advertising business. Advertising on the internet will always need a form of tracking, and contains been Google's goal to help make the masses more welcoming of these ads and activities by promoting "good ads" and "privacy-respecting" tracking methods. Not everyone buys those promises, though, and Google remains ambiguously in the center of that battle.
For the time being, however, Chrome has been used because the testbed of Google's privacy efforts, particularly new technologies made to block malicious ads and trackers while promoting the nice ones. It's still a work happening, however, and still must pass regulatory and market scrutiny, especially given how some doubt it'll truly work and only users' privacy.